5月の東京スプリング「尊厳のある生活、仕事」Discussion EVENT" Live and Work with Dignity" 

Hello everyone
LIVE and WORK with Dignity

日時:2015.5.31(SUN) 3:00 OPEN 3:30 START
場所:Cafe★LavanderiaMAP | facebook )
詳細:TokyoSpring facebook
free of charge but donations are welcome
 the next Tokyo Spring event will be held on MAY 31 at Cafe Lavanderia (map link), Shinjuku, Tokyo, from 15:00, there will be no film this time, just talk.

tanka by Takuboku Ishikawa

Staring at my hands I toil and toil yet my life gets no easier

These words, written in 1910, are still true today.

Why? なぜか?

Workers, part-timers, unemployed, any of you working under exploitative contracts (or no contract), with no benefits whatsoever, imposed on you/us by the ever greedy bosses, join Tokyo Spring for a talk event on how to free ourselves from capitalist exploitation.

Enough is enough! もうたくさんだ!

The greedy bosses, this capitalist system are trampling on our dignity, using us like toilet paper, exploiting us at every turn and in any way they can imagine to increase their profits while millions of people throughout Japan (billions throughout the world) can barely make ends meet.
強欲な上司、この資本主義体制は私たちの尊厳を踏みにじり、私たちをトイレットペイパーのように使い, 利益を求めありとあらゆる手段で私たちを搾取しています。一方日本中では数百万人もの人が(世界中では数十億人もの人が)なんとか生きていくことすら難しい状況にあります。

What is a black company? ブラック企業とはなにか?

Come and let us share our stories, let us try together to put an end to this parasitic capitalist system. We must stop resisting! We must start attacking! Let us talk about direct action. Let us reclaim our dignity!
イベントに参加して様々な話を共有しましょう。一緒にこの寄生虫のような資本主義体制に終止符をうちましょう。 抵抗するのはもうやめだ! 攻撃を始めなければならない! 直接行動について話し合おう。 私たちの尊厳を取り戻そう!

We must impose our own way of fighting the capitalist parasites of the society. Their, the exploiters', ways don't work. THEIR labor standards inspection office (rodo kijun kantokusho), THEIR "labor" courts, THEIR rules, THEIR laws...don't work! They are a joke, a camouflage to exploit us more easily!
社会に寄生する資本主義側の奴らと闘うには、私たち独自のやり方を使わなければなりません。 奴らの、搾取する側のやり方では駄目です。 奴らの労働基準監督署、奴らの「労働」裁判所、奴らのルール、奴らの法律……これではうまくいかない!奴らは茶番です。私たちを簡単に搾取するためのカモフラージュにすぎません。

When was the last time you felt justice was done in a labor dispute against a capitalist exploiter? When was the last time we the workers won a significant victory that made our lives better? If THEIR ways are effective, then why are there so many people suffering under economic hardship?
資本主義により搾取をする側の連中に対し、労働争議で正義がなされた、と最後に感じたのはいつのことですか? 私たちの生活が楽になるような大きな勝利を私たち労働者が最後に勝ち取ったのはいつのことですか? もし奴らのやり方が効果的なら、どうして未だに経済的に苦しむ人がこんなにいるのですか?

When hit, hit back! (yararetara yarikaese!)

Solidarity, cooperation and mutual aid, and NOT competition, are the only way to fight against capitalist exploitation.

 “Fight till the last gasp..." William Shakespeare
 「命つきるまで闘おう…」 ウィリアム・シェイクスピア

in Solidarity 連帯の挨拶をこめて

Tokyo Spring Team

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