Who killed Fukushima? 誰がフクシマを殺したか?

Who killed Fukushima?

brkic sulejman












2012 年6月20日(訳:赤井康男)

The Earth is not dying, it is being killed. And the people who are killing it have names and addresses - Utah Phillips

Japan killed Fukushima. Your capitalist system killed Fukushima. Want for money! More money! And if it’s not Japan, then who? North Korea? China? Bin Laden? Profit at any cost! Greed! That’s what capitalism, your economic system, is about: Profit over people (and over planet Earth). Japan killed Fukushima for the sake of a strong economy. Simply put: for more and more money. Japan killed Fukushima so that it could become the second strongest economy in the world. Are you happy? Well… you used to be No. 2… what’s your ranking now? And does it matter? Stupid question, sorry. Of course it matters, otherwise you wouldn’t be restarting your money making death machines. Now, when I say Japan killed Fukushima, I know that some are more responsible than others.

Among the most responsible ones for the murder of Fukushima are the 3 greedy monkeys: Mizaru, covering his eyes, who sees no evil; Kikazaru, covering his ears, who hears no evil; and Iwazaru, covering his mouth, who speaks no evil. The Japanese State with all its post-war corrupt, criminal, lying prime ministers (and not only with regard to Fukushima), from Shigeru Yoshida up to the current one Noda. The big business of Japan with its most prominent Grim Reaper: TEPCO.

I am sure some of you must know that Masataka Shimizu, the head of Tepco when Fukushima got hit, was making something like 35 million yen a year. That’s good money.

And the third monkey, Iwazuru, is the State and big business lackeys in the mainstream media. We can also call them the keyboard or the inflatable bitches of the rich and powerful, if you like. According to a friend of mine, he knows journalists at the NIKKEI who earn 17 million yen a year. Journalist! That’s good money. And you don’t make that kind of money by reporting the dangers of nuclear power. Oh! Oops! I almost forgot about a fourth monkey, Shizaru, who is often shown with his arms crossed and this one could stand for the useless, parasitical Japanese imperial family…and we all know that more often than not just doing nothing can be very harmful, right? Right?

These above mentioned people are the culprits who poisoned the soil, the water, the air, the children, the animals of Fukushima and beyond. You know how they say on the Left that a revolutionary guerilla cannot succeed without the support, even tacit, of the population? Well, it works the same way the other way around. The criminals who poisoned Fukushima couldn’t have gotten filthy rich by selling their poison, and get away with murder, without the support, tacit, overt, covert, moral of millions and millions of collaborators, traitors among the Japanese population. True, some average Japanese may have been fooled into believing, through constant lies by the spineless cowards in the mainstream media, that nuclear power was safe. But let us be honest, lots of people accepted to be fooled in exchange for money. How on earth could anyone, even with a low IQ or no IQ, believe that building nuclear reactors on the most earthquake prone ground in the world could be safe?

Lots of Japanese patriots chose to be the 4 monkeys in exchange for the “bubble”… those years of unbridled capitalist greed. Well, that greed bubble exploded on March 12, 2011 in Fukushima. Fukushima (along with other numerous Japanese societal cancers) is the symbol of the Japanese economic “miracle”.

On the first anniversary (a sunny Sunday) of the murder of Fukushima, barely 20 000 people, out of a Tokyo population of about 14 million, came out to remember Fukushima and demonstrate against nuclear power. Why so few? This says a lot, no?

I have a student who works for a major corporation in Tokyo and she told me that speaking against nuclear power is… still… tabooooooo… there is an implicit ban on talking about it at work (she actually put her index fingers crossed over her mouth)… Iwazaru?

In a recent interview in the Guardian, Zizek said that Humanity is OK, but 99% of people are boring idiots. He should have added: Dangerous.

Some of you may say that I am simplifying too much, that it’s not that easy to change things…Well, is the current situation easy?

Brkic Sulejman
June 20, 2012
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